The social phenomenon finlandsfärja, is the expression of short-term cruise ferry trips conducted on the Baltic Sea. Used by more than 15 million passengers yearly, the finlandsfärja is often connoted with heavy drinking and collective transgression of limits. This book tries to capture the special counter world of cruise ferry crusaders, and provides an insight into their unique community, displays their rituals and tries to illuminate why riding finlandsfärja has become a mass phenomenon in Sweden.
Photography - Felix Swensson
Text - Hannes Ahbe
Design - Kevin Olberg
Publisher - Mondial
Repro - Linjepunkt
Printed in 500 copies on Munken Polar 150g at Print Best in Estonia.
Photography - Felix Swensson
Text - Hannes Ahbe
Design - Kevin Olberg
Publisher - Mondial
Repro - Linjepunkt
Printed in 500 copies on Munken Polar 150g at Print Best in Estonia.